Marketplus.co.id – Efforts to remain competitive, innovative and brave enough to take on challenges in order to survive and develop in the era of globalization.
PT. Atlantis Subsea Indonesia collaborates with Sintesa as a solution synergy consultant to obtain ISO 9001.45001.14001 FATIR Certification and Ares International Certification (17/7). President director, Atlantis Subsea Indonesia, Yophi Kurniawan stated that competitive advantage, innovation and the courage to take on very strong challenges are needed in order to survive and develop in the era of globalization, because it is no longer possible to apply guarantees of protection from the local government for domestic business actors who want to enter world market.
“Only business actors who are able to increase their competitive advantage, are innovative and brave will succeed in achieving and increasing market share at the international level,” he said. According to Yophi, quality management is very important in a company because it is the main foundation of the company itself.
Especially for marine survey companies like Atlantis Subsea which have high risks in their work, the success or failure of a project really depends on the role of control and supervision. An ongoing project will definitely experience deviations or differences from the plans that have been set. This is where the role of good quality management in the company.
Referring to ISO 14001 Waste processing, how to optimize savings? Yophi said that because currently there is no work related to waste in the Atlantis Subsea office environment, then if the work is related to waste, we will implement a system that regulates how business and industrial activities manage the environment so that it remains healthy and safe from the risk of pollution and implementing several principles, namely, the principle of pollution prevention, the principle of pollution control, and the principle of remediation.
Apart from that, health standards are very important for all of us who are now starting to return to our activities. In order to stay healthy and avoid all diseases, we also need to be aware of the importance of this from ourselves.
“Because it would be very useless if standards have been set but people still don’t care about it, in other words there is no self-awareness,” said Yophi.
Yophi Kurniawan stated that Atlantis Subsea believes in Synthesis as a management consultant who is committed to articulating problems and changes that are in line with our company’s future business expectations in a solution and competitive manner. Then trust Ares and Fatir as a trusted certification body and can carry out this certification in the time requested.
For future strategies in business development, said Yophi, “Atlantis Subsea will pay more attention to every creation or preparation of action plans and standard operating procedures based on and integrated with the ISO that we have.”
URL Link : https://marketplus.co.id/2020/07/22/strategi-atlantis-subsea-indonesia-rambah-pasar-global/