Large areas of the ocean and the world remain unrivaled by modern engineering. Other areas, which have high levels of traffic and with very high seabeds require regular multibeam surveys to provide data.
Atlantis Subsea regularly conducts high-resolution surveys for the purposes of making sea maps. High-level online quality control is essential to ensure the required coverage and sound density for target detection as determined by the IHO Special Order and the IHO Order 1a specifications.
Robust processing procedures have been developed by Atlantis Subsea surveyors to ensure that all seabed features are identified. When submitted to clients (and maritime authorities), these features will therefore be included in published nautical charts where they jeopardize ship navigation.
In addition to the bathymetry survey of the seabed, a shipwreck investigation was also carried out. Survey lines are run with narrow plot angles while utilizing water column data to ensure protected points on the carcass structure are identified.